Tuesday, April 22, 2008

ode to the shitty thermos i won in an office drawing at work today

O, thermos!
How stately is thine splendor, livery'd in scratched stainless steel and ratty, pink pleath'r.
Banish the thought! of sullying your countenance with hot coffee, tea--
heat, methinks, would cause you release heavy lead, bisphenol A, etc.
Nay! Let thine cargo be
one or two gills of warm Crystal Light (Pink Lemonade),
a few drachmas of Diet Mountain Dew,
or let me fill you, my love,
with the tears that overfill mine eyes when I think of parting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

am i the only one that thinks my nalgene might be slowly poisoning me with that oddly pleasant, plasticy new car smell? keep up the blog -> very enjoyable. Ingrid - see you at linda´s soon.